Wrap Up
Thanks for Playing

Amidst a couple of engagement announcements, several software development releases, a new consumer product announcement, and the completion of a Ph.D. program, the core team members of a very busy coed astronomy somehow found the time and willpower to produce The Game -- and managed to have a good deal of fun at the same time.

Though we never explicitly mentioned it, NMS had a very rigid scoring system that ranked all teams at all times. We chose not to disclose this to teams (discussion), but coed astronomy's more competitive member(s) made sure that strict accountability was in place.

Wow, one thing we certainly weren't short on were clues. Including pre-clues, NMS provided 41.

There are a number of people to thank, and the list is almost assuredly incomplete. NMS would not have been possible without the help and support of many people -- we thank you all so very much!

Final Thoughts
This was a great experience overall for coed astronomy -- we really had a lot of fun making this a reality! This was our first full-length event, and we're really interested in what you thought. We will consider your feedback to help improve any events we may put on in the future!

If any teams are considering putting on an event of their own, please don't hesitate to contact us or post to the forum any questions or advice on any aspect of running a Game -- we're happy to share our thoughts, trials, and tribulations with you.

We hope to see you all again very soon!
coed astronomy